Published Dawn 18/12/2013
"...From a military standpoint, it’s a success for the United States. And I contribute to that success."
This is in response to Mr Irfan Hussain's Column “A CIA agent’s take on drones” (14/12/2013).
I am not
sure what Mr Hussain was trying to achieve through building an argument around someone i.e. the CIA agent in Pakistan who is busy selling blood of his own
people for mere $200 a month. The points put across by the agent didn’t seem
anything more than a traitor justifying his jobs-worth. What should one expect
from someone selling the motherland for $200? If it is our war then what’s the
justification of CIA agents operating
from our soil providing intelligence to
the US? It gives strength to the notion
that the American CIA is waging a secret war on our soil through its network of
spies.Mr Hussain's central character then in his excitement goes further saying the following:
"...From a military standpoint, it’s a success for the United States. And I contribute to that success."
Does it not
tell whose war we have tangled ourselves into?
Rubbishing the innocent death toll including that of women and
children by the agent and later on admitting the same didn’t make sense. Regardless
of numbers, isn’t loss of one innocent life, one too many? Besides, it’s not
just one person but a whole affected family or clan that is more likely to be
sucked into a blood feud with the state. I leave it to Mr Hussain to do the
About the misconception that none of Pakistan’s laws apply to FATA. Perhaps the
writer ignored the fact that it is the government of Pakistan that is still
governing FATA through colonial set of laws brought in by the British in 1901
to counter Pakhtun opposition to their rule and unfortunately little has been
done since then to integrate FATA into Pakistan, for the same reason i.e. to
protect the ruling elite’s interests. Not integrating and extending the writ of
the State to FATA is not due to the situation but due to the administrative
arrangements of the state of Pakistan. It is also against the will of
people of FATA. Read FATA declaration published 25/06/2013 in various papers. There is
practically no writ of the government in Lyari and various other parts of the
country, what shall we do? Drone the areas?
The US AID $20 billion in 12 years that
includes $10 Billion of CSF represents a mere 0.3% of our GDP and peanuts when compared to the
loss of $100 billion due to this pointless war. Contextually, Mr Haggle’s
warning may be a blessing in disguise for Pakistan, as for once we may learn to live
without cap in hand. Besides, if it is a price tag for our blood and
sovereignty, then we are better off without it.
Published Daily Dawn (18/12/2013)
News article link to the rejoinder "Drone Attacks"
Published Daily Dawn (18/12/2013)
News article link to the rejoinder "Drone Attacks"
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